The SuperGreatFriend Wiki

At 8 PM Eastern time, every Saturday but the final one of the month, Supergreatfriend holds a live stream as he plays video games. This is more commonly known as "The Stram." About 300 people come out to watch it every week, and about 180 of those participate in the Chat.

The Stram is broken up into two halves, with a ten minute intermission in the middle. In the past, we have seen such gems as Vampire Boyfriends, Dementium, and the saga of Bully Demise. Currently, we are enjoying the New Format : the first half of the Stram is dedicated to CDi games, and the second half to Lazer Lords.

They usually go until about 10:30-11 PM Eastern time, depending on when SGF decides that he must be getting tired. If he's feeling up to it, he sometimes sticks around to chat and listen to chill musics.

On the final Saturday of the month, SGF rests, and we do absolutely nothing at all.
